Calculus III Study Guide
Step-by-step solution guide for Multivariable Calculus (Calculus III)
Study Guide
I created a PDF file of step-by-step solutions to a wide range of Calculus III practice problems. This guide was originally intended for a student I was teaching taking Math 53: Calculus III at UC Berkeley. However, this guide is applicable to anyone wanting to strengthen their multivariate calculus skills.
Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcendentals 8th Edition
All of the questions and solutions in this study guide are based on sections 13.1 to 16.1 of Stewart's "Calculus: Early Transcendentals 8th Edition".
Link to the PDF
I created this study guide and others using LaTeX, exported those files as PDFs, and put them on a publically available Github repository for open-access.
Check out my Github repo for access to the PDF.
Sample Problems
Here are some solutions to various problems from the study guide.
Triple Integrals
Image 1.Triple Integrals: step-by-step
Image 2.Triple Integrals: Adding the bounds
Directional Derivatives
Image 3. Directional Derivatives: conceptual